EACA 2012
XIII Encuentro de Álgebra Computacional y Aplicaciones
June 13th–15th, 2012. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain. |
Instructions for authors
- The participation, through a talk presentation, is open to all researchers interested in the topics of the meeting. The talks should present a recent research work.
- Authors willing to present an oral communication at EACA should send an extended abstract of their contribution, with no more than 4 pages, by February 13th, 2012.
- The extended abstract must be written in English or Spanish.
- The LaTeX file templateEACA.tex contains the template that should be used to prepare an extended abstract. The paper must be sent by electronic mail to eaca2012.submission@uah.es. Authors will receive notification of acceptance/rejection of their communication as well as on the possible changes requested by the Scientific Committee, by March 28th, 2012. A final version of the accepted abstracts will be requested for inclusion in the Proceedings.
- For each talk 20 minutes are allowed, plus 5 minutes for disscusion. We encourage participants to use English in the written documents used in their presentations (this will facilitate the communication among participants).
- Last Call for Papers:
- Extended abstracts of all accepted papers will appear in the proceedings, that will be distributed at the meeting as internal working document.